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Jack Campbell

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 1204

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.

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Weekly roundup: workplace innovation and a look overseas

Weekly roundup: workplace innovation and a look overseas

This week in HR news: what the workplace of the future could look like and a glimpse of what our neighbours in the UK an...Read More
How cognitive science can help your business

How cognitive science can help your business

Mimma Mason is a cognitive scientist at Pearson. She discussed how cognitive science as a branch of study is relevant to...Read More
Adpatalift’s head of HR on working through the pandemic on the work and home front

Adpatalift’s head of HR on working through the pandemic on the work ...

Kate Newey is the head of human resources at Adaptalift Group. She joined The HR Leader to discuss how she guided her co...Read More
Adaptalift Group’s head of HR on creating a flexible role to meet work and home demands

Adaptalift Group’s head of HR on creating a flexible role to meet wo...

Kate Newey is the head of human resources at Adaptalift Group and a working parent. She spoke to The HR Leader about the...Read More
New tool to measure mental health in the workplace

New tool to measure mental health in the workplace

The NSW Government has released their Workplace Wellbeing Assessment, a free digital tool to survey your employees’ me...Read More
Offboarding: Why it’s important and how to get it right

Offboarding: Why it’s important and how to get it right

An area in the employment lifecycle that can be overlooked is the offboarding process. While onboarding is often seen as...Read More
Xref’s ‘hire to retire’ assists in talent retention

Xref’s ‘hire to retire’ assists in talent retention

Xref has announced their ‘hire to retire’ initiative, which will track an employee from candidacy to employment and ...Read More
The HR Leader in conversation with Anu Villarosa

The HR Leader in conversation with Anu Villarosa

Anu Villarosa is the HR director at Pitcher Partners. When she joined The HR Leader she shared some ideas for learning o...Read More
Aboriginal consultancy director in conversation with The HR Leader

Aboriginal consultancy director in conversation with The HR Leader

Dhiira is an Aboriginal owned and operated consultancy, specialising in human resources and maximising diversity with a ...Read More