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Jack Campbell

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 1204

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.

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Company culture at an all-time low: How can we turn this around?

The latest research has revealed that perceptions of company culture are at an all-time low in Australia. If this issue ...Read More

The importance of good work relationships (and how to build them)

Humans are naturally social, and studies show that we thrive when we prioritise this connectivity. The workplace is no d...Read More

How to tackle staff turnover

Losing employees is never a good thing, especially during periods of talent shortages. That’s why stamping out turnove...Read More

‘It’s important companies and businesses take the lead on DEI’

Where government regulation falls short, it’s up to businesses to pick up the slack when it comes to effective diversi...Read More

Upskill for free: The government’s plan to bolster the workforce

The government’s plan to plug skills shortages involves our nation’s TAFEs, as well as underrepresented groups. ...Read More

Flex to the max: The outcomes-based approach to work schedules

The four-day work week has been at the forefront of the flexible working discussion for some time. However, the outcomes...Read More

Big business poaching the best talent, leaving SMEs struggling

Larger organisations reportedly have their pick of the best talent, leaving many smaller companies struggling to attract...Read More

‘Snail girl era’ and ‘bare minimum Mondays’: What these trends...

The latest trends to hit TikTok have taken the thunder from the “girlboss”, as many are over the grind and would rat...Read More

Allowing employees to use their own devices at work could be a smart m...

A recent survey has revealed that the majority of employees prefer to use their own devices at work. However, most emplo...Read More