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Kace O'Neill

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 409

Kace O'Neill is a Graduate Journalist for HR Leader. Kace studied Media Communications and Maori studies at the University of Otago, he has a passion for sports and storytelling.

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Yoga mats, dogs at work: Have wellbeing policies gone overboard?

As wellbeing policies continue to be implemented in the workplace, some have argued that it’s gone that bridge too far...Read More

Eliminating psychosocial risks must be a collaboration

A two-year research project conducted across four residential care facilities has wrapped up, providing strategies on ho...Read More

Are young Aussies self-absorbed? Their keenness to volunteer says othe...

In 2023, young Aussies picked up the dwindling torch for the volunteering sector yet faced various barriers that stunted...Read More

Persistent challenges for Aussie workplaces in the next 10 years

A recent report has highlighted the persistent challenges that the Australian workplace will face in the coming decade, ...Read More

It starts with trust: Using AI to drive workplace wellness

As cliché as it sounds, if organisations want to deploy AI as a legitimate driver of workplace wellness, they must firs...Read More

CEOs now in love with hybrid working

New research has revealed that nine in 10 chief executives have adopted hybrid working (91 per cent), with three-quarter...Read More

Are HR leaders catching FOMO on AI implementation?

The implementation of artificial intelligence across Australian organisations has hit a crossroads, with some companies ...Read More

‘Probably the worst boss I’ve had’: Project manager’s claim ag...

Claims of bullying, exclusion, and psychosocial hazards are all featured in a recent application to the Fair Work Commis...Read More

Lack of communication can be a plague for employee benefits

Employees are slowly becoming unsatisfied with the benefits that employers are offering, but is it because of the legiti...Read More