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Kace O'Neill

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 743

Kace O'Neill is a Graduate Journalist for HR Leader. Kace studied Media Communications and Maori studies at the University of Otago, he has a passion for sports and storytelling.

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Should salary be based on experience?

The usual trope is that, of course, salary should be based on knowledge, but there are a number of clear issues that ari...Read More

Trouble in Paramount: Global redundancies hit Australian workers

Paramount is the latest media conglomerate to cut hundreds of staff, with Australia-based workers now being issued with ...Read More

Flexible work hours favoured over working from home

In terms of key employee benefits, flexible working hours takes the cake as the top priority for employees going into 20...Read More

Weekly round-up: Indigenous jobs, grants, faulty claims, and moaning b...

In this week’s round-up of HR news, the government has revealed a plan to boost Indigenous job support. Meanwhile, job...Read More

Fowl play: Red Rooster fined for child employment breaches

The chickens have come home to roost for Red Rooster Wodonga, which has been caught breaching numerous child employment ...Read More

25-year high in Australian workers holding multiple jobs

The employment landscape is ever changing, with recent developments showing that many major industries are experiencing ...Read More

The generational divide on business outcomes in 2024

Several factors are influencing the optimism of workers when looking to the horizon of company growth in 2024, with some...Read More

Are businesses tunnel-visioned when it comes to hiring?

Acquiring skills can come about in various ways, and too often, employers hire based on a confined checklist rather than...Read More

Corporate greed affecting other industries

The movement of fighting back against corporate greed has added another valued industry, with NSW energy workers flying ...Read More