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Younger managers more likely to utilise global talent

By Jack Campbell | |6 minute read
Younger Managers More Likely To Utilise Global Talent

In the current workforce, where talent shortages are becoming increasingly common, managers may need to think outside the box in order to attract staff.

According to Cloudstaff, 55 per cent of Millennial managers and 63 per cent of up-and-coming Gen Z managers recognise that utilising offshore talent is a great way around these issues.

In comparison, just 19 per cent of Baby Boomers agree, showing a clear disconnect between generations.


Chris McDonald, vice-president of growth at Cloudstaff, commented on the findings: “The workforce has changed considerably since Baby Boomers started out in their careers. Australia already relies heavily on overseas workers in the form of migration.”

“In fact, the 2021 Australian census showed that for some professions such as general accounting, more than half (51 per cent) of the current Australian workforce was born overseas. It’s therefore not surprising that younger leaders are more open to working across borders.”

With flexible working arrangements seeing a considerable rise through the pandemic, remote working options have created new opportunities for employers to source talent that may not be anywhere near the on-site location.

Mr McDonald continued: “The days of people needing to live close to their workplace are over. Smart companies today hire where the talent lives. While the tech industry pioneered that model years ago, COVID-19 ended up being a worldwide training program for every company globally in how to manage remote workforces and work with remote colleagues.”

“The reality is that available Australian talent pools have all but run dry: there simply aren’t enough working-age people in the country to fill open roles and drive economic growth. With specialist skills severely lacking onshore, accessing these roles offshore means Australian workers and the Australian economy are better positioned to thrive and grow.”

The willingness to hire overseas talent may also be playing a role in the difficulty of attracting talent. According to Cloudstaff, Australian managers are less open to hiring offshore staff. This coincides with the difficulty in hiring, with 67 per cent of Australian employers experiencing difficulty in finding workers, compared to 56 per cent in the US and 45 per cent in the UK.

“While this research indicates a generational shift, it also highlights a particular mindset: a global view of the world that values the contribution an individual can make, whether they sit in Manila or Melbourne,” Mr McDonald explained.

“Many of the small businesses we work with have MDs and CEOs over 55 and have been successfully outsourcing functions overseas for many years. This isn’t hard. It just needs a small leap of the imagination.”

Taking advantage of overseas talent can be extremely beneficial. As Igor Hadziomerovic said to HR Leader: “Taking advantage of global talent has the potential to balance the economies – by opening up these opportunities at a global scale, we can help to address this imbalance and provide access to employment for those who may have otherwise struggled to find work.”


Remote working

Professionals can use remote work as a working method to do business away from a regular office setting. It is predicated on the idea that work need not be carried out in a certain location to be successful.

Jack Campbell

Jack Campbell

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.