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Harassment, reputation, and paid family domestic violence leave

By Robyn Tongol | |5 minute read
Harassment Reputation And Paid Family Domestic Violence Leave

Legal director at Sydney Legal Consulting, Trish Ryan, sat down with The HR Leader to talk about discrimination, harassment and bullying in the workplace. Ms Ryan spoke about how recent world events such as #MeToo have impacted workplaces, and why discrimination, harassment and bullying may be more subtle at work now than in the past.


The podcast discussion also covered areas of reputational risk for organisations, with Ms Ryan’s thoughts on how businesses might consider navigating such scenarios.

Ms Ryan also shared her insights on the recent Fair Work Amendment in regard to the Paid Family Domestic Violence Leave Bill, discussing the benefit this could have for people leaving family domestic violence.

Note from editor: this podcast was recorded on 1 August 2022



According to the Australian Human Rights Commission, discrimination occurs when one individual or group of people is regarded less favourably than another because of their origins or certain personality traits. When a regulation or policy is unfairly applied to everyone yet disadvantages some persons due to a shared personal trait, that is also discrimination.


Harassment is defined as persistent behaviour or acts that intimidate, threaten, or uncomfortably affect other employees at work. Because of anti-discrimination laws and the Fair Work Act of 2009, harassment in Australia is prohibited on the basis of protected characteristics.