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Cognitive scientist Mimma Mason on career passports, learning agility, and more

By Robyn Tongol | |4 minute read
Cognitive Scientist Mimma Mason On Career Passports Learning Agility And More

Mimma Mason, business development director of the clinical assessments arm in APAC for Pearson, joined The HR Leader to talk about her role as a cognitive scientist, and how her speciality relates to HR and people leaders.


Ms Mason shared what she means when she refers to a ‘career passport’ and how it reflects a need to look beyond skills to the candidate/employee’s experience more generally.

Ms Mason also discussed with The HR Leader how to identify when an employee is being challenged at the right level to promote learning, citing what to look for as an indicator that an employee is being overchallenged.

Discussing what agile learning looks like, the podcast conversation delved into what businesses need to consider in terms of an individual’s capacity to learn, as well as what to look for in L&D professionals to secure learning talent that can act agilely to meet a business’ needs.