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Insights into how to measure talent mobility

By Robyn Tongol | |4 minute read
Insights Into How To Measure Talent Mobility

Following HR Leader's recent webcast: Career and Talent Mobility Simplified in partnership with LHH, James McIlvena, LHH’s managing director for Australia and New Zealand, sat down with The HR Leader to dive into the topic of measuring the productivity and success of career and talent mobility through different lenses.


The podcast conversation, in partnership with LHH, covered how organisations can help people engage with learning platforms and how to build internal support, be it from leadership, HR/L&D colleagues, or employees.

Mr McIlvena also spoke about the role of pilots when launching new learning programs and how to build productivity measures for learning initiatives to determine ROI. Mr McIlvena stressed that it’s important for technology to be launched properly if organisations want to see positive results.