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New program to unlock critical employment skills

By Emma Musgrave | |5 minute read
New Program To Unlock Critical Employment Skills

The government has rolled out a new Future Skills Organisation aimed at addressing Australia’s critical skill shortages.

On Wednesday (12 July), Minister for Skills and Training Brendan O’Connor confirmed that the Future Skills Organisation (FSO) will be established as the Finance, Technology and Business Jobs and Skills Council (JSC).

The new program has been tasked with developing strategies to help address skills shortages in critical areas such as digital. It’ll also aim to future-proof skills and training for sectors critical to advancing Australia’s economy, identified as the finance, technology and business sectors.


The chief executive of FSO, Patrick Kidd, said he is excited about the opportunity to unlock critical skills vital to advancing Australia’s economy.

“This is an exciting day for the future of skills, learning and training in Australia. As a JSC, we look forward to working with government, training providers, unions, employers and, importantly, learners and employees, to deliver world-class outcomes and make Australia more competitive,” Mr Kidd said.

“We will draw on the experience we gained as the DSO [Digital Skills Organisation] through the pilots undertaken and the successes and learnings garnered to tackle the contributing causes of Australia’s skill shortages.”

Mr Kidd said the step would be around identifying current gaps and planning effectively around building out critical capabilities.

“We have a significant responsibility to shape Australia’s skills and workforce future. Our mission is to collaborate with stakeholders across training, industry, unions, and government to grow Australia’s finance, technology, and business talent to benefit industries across Australia. We will start by understanding and defining the skills and challenges facing employers by utilising data and feedback to forecast current and emerging opportunities,” he said.

“As we transform from DSO to FSO, we have a talented and passionate board representing a cross-section of finance, tech and business, and from across Australia to drive us forward with our new remit.”

Mr Kidd said support from the government and industry stakeholders has been key.

“We want to thank everyone that has seen the need for Australia to take future skills seriously and have invested in our mission. Particularly Minister O’Connor, who has tasked the new JSCs to work with Jobs and Skills Australia so that we can together work to address Australia’s skill deficit. We are grateful for the essential tripartite support from industry, unions, and government,” he said.

“We believe in Australia’s VET system and education. Together we have a unique opportunity to act as stewards across finance, technology, and business sectors to ensure our VET system is agile, responsive, and innovative.

“FSO is committed to building a resilient workforce, working with both training institutions and industry to provide the skills that will prepare our economy for the jobs and opportunities of tomorrow – and beyond.”