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People and culture director at AVL Wines on achieving a senior HR role early in her career

By Robyn Tongol | |5 minute read
People And Culture Director At Avl Wines On Achieving A Senior Hr Role Early In Her Career

AVL Wines people and culture director, Tash Cahill, joined The HR Leader to talk about how she has achieved a senior HR role so quickly in her career, the support she’s received to help her achieve success, and how she’s crafted her role so HR at AVL Wines can have the most impact.


Ms Cahill knew that she wanted a career in HR, rather than falling into it like many in the profession. This gave her a bit of a head start in the industry. She also credits the support AVL Wines has given her in stepping up into a senior role as integral to her success.

As a younger leader, Ms Cahill shared her perspective with The HR Leader on why it’s advantageous for a business to have both older and younger professionals in leadership roles, with the different perspectives of both benefiting a business.




Your organization's culture determines its personality and character. The combination of your formal and informal procedures, attitudes, and beliefs results in the experience that both your workers and consumers have. Company culture is fundamentally the way things are done at work.