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The Equinix Foundation on digital inclusion, why challenges are localised, and how the foundation helps

By Robyn Tongol | |4 minute read
The Equinix Foundation On Digital Inclusion Why Challenges Are Localised And How The Foundation Helps

The Equinix Foundation is committed to digital inclusion. Sujata Narayan, its director, and Bruce Owen, its president, joined The HR Leader to share what the foundation is all about and examples of some of the great initiatives the team is involved with worldwide.


Diversity is a word that comes up a lot when talking about the foundation, and it’s apt with both Equinix employees and people from other organisations supporting the foundation’s work. The foundation is also adamant about being part of the places where they operate, with the focus in each region shifting as required to meet the needs of that area.

Ms Narayan shared insight into the work the foundation is doing in India to help women achieve digital parity when it comes to learning, as well as efforts in the US to bridge cultural and racial divides. Mr Owen spoke about a growth area of the foundation, which is to provide more support to ageing workers when it comes to digital inclusion.

Any discussion about the foundation’s work would be incomplete without covering the importance of DEI and belonging and why it’s central to what the foundation is doing – a lack of digital inclusion has many knock-on effects for people. Mr Owen concluded that they don’t pretend to have all the answers at the foundation, but they’re committed to being a part of the solution.