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How to energise and engage your people

By Lisa O'Neill | |7 minute read
How To Energise And Engage Your People

Leaders and business owners need to be aware of the energies at play in their workplaces, writes Lisa O’Neill.

We are living in a weird world! Our energy is scattered, and we are being pulled in so many directions. Workplaces are under huge pressure, and people are feeling the pressure of constantly having to be on.

Energy is the essence of our existence. We are all energetic beings, and understanding the dynamics of energy is the key to unlocking our true potential. Our energy is transferable and absorbable. Your thoughts begin it, your emotions amplify it, and your actions increase or decrease it.


Energy cannot be seen, but the results of using energy can. Energy is required for growth, change and movement. This is incredibly important in a workplace environment! As individuals our energy is a decision. You get to decide. You can decide to be happy. Decide to be tired. Decide to be negative. Decide to be grumpy!

Leaders and business owners need to be aware of the energies at play in their workplaces. They need to take responsibility for their energy and encourage everyone in their worlds to do the same. We need to know what energises the people we work with and what energises us as individuals.

Having some awareness about where we get our energy from and what depletes it is an important part of bringing yourself to work. The simple act of asking people their preferences honours them and gets the best possible outcomes from them. Do they prefer morning or afternoon meetings? When is the best time of day for deep concentrated work?

There are many areas that we get and give energy. There are physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energies that make up all of us. Physically, we get energy from food, hydration, and sleep that nourish our bodies. Emotional energy arises from doing things that give us joy: engaging with people and projects who challenge and support us. We increase our mental energy by becoming aware of the beliefs that weigh us down and shifting our heads into a more useful space. Being able to connect to our spiritual energy is a game changer in that we feel safer and more trusting and build faith in ourselves.

As an HR leader, consider:

The physical conditions in the workplace

  • What is your company culture around taking time out, taking leave and missing meal breaks?
  • Is the physical environment relaxed and comfortable?
  • Is it chaotic and cluttered?
  • Are people encouraged to eat well, move daily and stay hydrated?

The emotional climate of your business

  • How much enthusiasm do people have for your product, device, or cause?
  • Are boundaries accepted and respected?
  • Are your people inspired about what’s next or on a treadmill of constant stress?

The mental energy at work

  • Are people’s workloads and personal situations considered and treated compassionately?
  • Do you set weekly intentions and goals and keep accountability?

Spiritual space at work

  • Are your people committed to your values or cause?
  • Do they have mental and physical space to explore new ideas and opportunities?
  • Are they encouraged to be self-expressed and to “bring themselves to work”?

To be good at anything, we need to come back to ourselves. To what powers us. To what works for us. In the race to have and do and be everything, we have lost ourselves. We have lost connection with where we get our energy. We need to understand our energy contributors and contaminators. Who and what energises and drains you?

We need to address our energetic plumbing! The blockages, the drains and the leaks. Our life force is all we have. I hear people constantly complaining about how they don’t have enough energy, that they wish they had more energy, but I don’t see many people proactively seeking out this incredibly important essence. Taking the time to understand yourself and your people is a huge part of getting the best out of a group of people who are working towards a common goal.

What is energising in your workplace right now, and what is causing energetic leaks?

An energy audit is an incredible way to check in with your people:

  • On a scale of 0-5, where is your energy at?
  • What can you do about that? (Personal responsibility)
  • How can we help you? (Professional compassion)
  • Take a look around your office. Who feels energised? Who feels deflated?

Now, take action. Because energetic people are the key to an engaged and productive workplace.

Lisa O’Neill is the author of Energy.