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Overcoming HR’s credibility deficit

By Robyn Tongol | |4 minute read
Overcoming Hr S Credibility Deficit

There exists, Ilona Charles says, an “ongoing issue” with how human resources is perceived as a business function. Understanding why this is the case and taking the requisite practical steps to address it is the best way for such professionals to meaningfully contribute to the business.


In this episode of The HR Leader Podcast, host Jerome Doraisamy speaks with Shilo chief executive and co-founder Ilona Charles about the credibility deficit that human resources teams and professionals currently face and why, the circumstances contributing to such a deficit, how the age of COVID-19 impacted HR’s credibility positively, and how urgent a priority it is to address the existing deficit.

Charles also reflects on the starting points to change hearts and minds in the workforce, the need for a more holistic approach and not simply reacting to the world around you, the all-important need for in-person conversations and meaningful communication, further practical steps to take in addressing the credibility deficit, opportunities for HR to redefine itself, and how optimistic she is that HR can turn things around.

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