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5 ways for HR leaders to experience more joy in work

By Simi Rayat | |5 minute read
5 Ways For Hr Leaders To Experience More Joy In Your Work

In today’s fast-paced workplace where we’re often expected to do more with less, experiencing joy at work can feel like a distant goal, writes Simi Rayat.

According to the 2024 Global Talent Trends report published by Mercer, 8 out of 10 professionals feel stressed, overwhelmed, and on the brink of burnout.

These statistics are not just concerning – they’re a wake-up call. This state of overwhelm not only drains productivity, costing Australian businesses a staggering loss of up to $60 billion a year, but more importantly, it also robs people of their joy and impacts their interactions, making workplaces less pleasant and not a joy to be in.


It’s crucial for organisations and individuals to take responsibility and proactively seek out ways to bring joy back into our workplaces.

So here are five strategies to help you experience more joy in your work and cultivate a culture of joy and productivity:

Be connected

Joy at work is often tied to the relationships you build with your colleagues, stakeholders, and managers. The bonds formed while collaborating on projects, striving towards common goals, celebrating successes, and supporting one another through challenges create a strong sense of connection. Whether it’s shared banter in the office, virtual camaraderie, or simply working together, these interactions foster a sense of belonging, and acceptance and reinforce that we matter. This sense of connection helps us feel part of something larger than ourselves.

  • What connections at work bring you joy? Are there opportunities to develop new or deeper connections to enhance your sense of joy and mattering?

Develop your emotional agility

Recognising and acknowledging your emotions is crucial for developing emotional agility, which directly influences your joy at work, rather than becoming overwhelmed by them. When you can navigate emotions like stress, or frustration, you’re better equipped to adapt to challenges instead of being overwhelmed by them. Emotional agility keeps you grounded and focused, allowing for more effective responses to difficult situations, rather than knee-jerk reactions.

  • I recommend taking your emotional temperature at the start of your day by acknowledging and recognising what emotion and feeling you are experiencing. By embracing your emotions without judgement, and shifting your perspective, you cultivate a resilient mindset that helps you manage workplace stress and create more space for joy. How open are you to learning how to take your daily emotional temperature?

Express and receive gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool for increasing joy in the workplace, not just emotionally but also chemically. Expressing or receiving gratitude triggers the release of dopamine and serotonin – neurotransmitters that enhance mood and well-being. This natural boost not only is a hack to lift your spirits but also fosters a positive atmosphere of recognition and support. By appreciating our colleagues’ efforts, we strengthen relationships, improve morale and create a culture of positivity. The result? A more connected, motivated and joyful workplace where everyone can thrive.

  • In what ways can you express gratitude to those you work with?

Live by your values and play to your strengths

Living by your values and playing to your strengths are key to experiencing more joy at work. When your daily tasks align with what matters most to you and you approach work in line with your values, work becomes more meaningful and fulfilling. At the same time, leverage your strengths and your superpowers – we all have them! is also key to achieving what matters and brings you more joy! Strengths or superpowers are things that you are not only great at but also energised by. Playing to your strengths allows you to perform with confidence, competence, and energy, which leads to greater satisfaction and flow, removing the grind and friction of how you work. In turn, you will find your productivity enhanced and you will experience a deep sense of joy.

Embrace learning agility

Learning agility. Being open to learning, growing and staying curious is essential to finding joy at work. When you’re willing to adapt, explore new ideas, and challenge yourself, work becomes dynamic and rewarding. Mistakes are a natural part of this journey and adopting a growth mindset helps you view them as opportunities for improvement rather than failures. It’s also important to be less hard on yourself during this process, fail fast and learn even faster. By showing yourself and others compassion, and focusing on continuous learning, you create a culture of safety, which mobilises creativity, innovation, and measured risks. All of which, uncover new sources of joy and fulfilment as you and others grow together.

Joy and productivity can co-exist

Joy isn’t just a luxury in the workplace but a necessity for long-term success and higher levels of productivity. By reconnecting with purpose, fostering emotional agility, building meaningful connections, promoting learning agility, and playing to your superpowers and values, you will create an environment where joy thrives and productivity flourishes.

Simi Rayat is an author, global business psychologist, keynote speaker, facilitator, and certified professional executive coach.