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How AI could close the gender gap

By Jack Campbell | |6 minute read
How Ai Could Close The Gender Gap

New research has found that AI interview software can help to close the gender gap in the tech industry.

The study, spearheaded by Professor Andreas Leibbrandt of Monash University, discovered that organisations that utilise artificial intelligence (AI) tools in the recruitment process saw 36 per cent more women applying for web developer role than those that did not.

Professor Leibbrandt commented: “It is our goal to identify, accelerate, and apply new evidence-based approaches to advance diversity, inclusivity, and belonging. AI is treated with apprehension, particularly in recruitment, but these findings show that a transparent and ethical AI system removes many of the barriers faced by women pursuing a career in technology.”


“A 160 per cent increase in the representation of women in the 90th percentile of evaluations is a clear indication that the use of AI could substantially change the landscape of gender in tech.”

The data also found that the completion rate of screening and assessments was 33 per cent higher for women when AI was used. Furthermore, providing applicants’ AI scores closed the gender gap in assessments that otherwise disadvantaged female applicants.

The research was conducted in collaboration with Sapia.ai. Founder and chief executive Barb Hyman said that the findings are a huge step forward and a win for gender diversity.

“In 2022, women made up just 27 per cent of the workforce across STEM, which has dropped from 2020. Historically, women have found it very difficult to penetrate the world of technology, contending with high rates of bias. This needs to change now, and companies that don’t act on it will find themselves behind the curve,” said Ms Hyman.

“This research shows that an ethical AI system is capable of disrupting bias and removing many of the barriers women face to entering the technology workforce. If you hire based only on soft skills, behaviour traits, and cognitive ability, you will hire just as many women as you would men, if not more. Names, ages, genders, universities — they’re all irrelevant factors in deciding who is suitable for a role.”

Ms Hyman believes that the utilisation of AI in recruitment and the removal of traditional resumés is the way of the future and will help to remove biases in the recruitment process.

“Resumés create bias that we cannot escape. Past experience is not a useful indicator of on-the-job success, and when hiring managers can see names, they employ the principles of mirror hiring — I hire people that look and think like me — which has led to the lack of diversity we see today. There is simply no reason that resumés need to be used for technology recruitment in 2023,” Ms Hyman explained.

“This independent research is further proof that ethical AI is the most inclusive method of hiring. Women are much more likely to complete a chat interview. It removes stress, lessens concerns of bias, and helps everyone know they will be assessed on who they really are.”



The practice of actively seeking, locating, and employing people for a certain position or career in a corporation is known as recruitment.

Jack Campbell

Jack Campbell

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.