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Are HR leaders catching FOMO on AI implementation?

By Kace O'Neill | |4 minute read
Are Hr Leaders Catching Fomo On Ai Implementation

The implementation of artificial intelligence across Australian organisations has hit a crossroads, with some companies taking a cautious approach in terms of integrating it into the business procedures.

HR Leader recently spoke to Aaron McEwan, vice president of research and advisory at Gartner, about how the journey of AI hype has progressed throughout the Australian workforce, leaving some HR leaders troubled about the integration process.

McEwan spoke on some of the obstacles that arise which may lead organisations to take a more cautious approach when integrating AI.


“It costs a lot of money. It's also challenging to do. So, whilst a few months ago, everyone was scrambling to find the use cases for generative AI, we're already starting to see a little bit more caution being applied to it. There's still a sense of FOMO is probably the best way to put it. If we're not in this thing, we're probably going to miss out.”

“We saw a little bit of media attention, even the Australian government saying, Australia is way behind other countries in the adoption and investment in technology. But certainly, we're starting to see a little bit more caution.”

McEwan elaborated on the FOMO (fear of missing out) line by explaining that there is some legitimate fear throughout Australian organisations that if they don’t invest in AI soon, they're going to fall behind their competitors.

“I mentioned FOMO, and I do think that that is a genuine kind of component of this, where organisations do genuinely fear that if they don't start using this technology, start adopting it and finding ways to use it, that there is a genuine risk of being left behind.”

“It's more a case of, they need to be a little bit more circumspect about what the benefits of this will be. They may not be as great as they expected. Just be planned and considered and careful in your approach,” said McEwan.

HR leaders are a focal point for how AI implementation is delivered organisation wide. McEwan believes that HR leaders especially have the opportunity to upskill the workforce as a whole, which is why the strategic plan regarding the integration can be so important.

“HR leaders in general need to really educate themselves about the potential of the technology, where it can best be applied. But I think one of the biggest opportunities that really does sit firmly in HR's remit that we are not talking enough about, is the opportunity to upskill the entire workforce, not just in how to use AI, to upskill the entire workforce, not just in how to use those tools, but more importantly, how to use them effectively and responsibly.”

“So, there is a potential huge benefit when all employees can apply this technology to improve their own individual efficiency and productivity and performance on the job,” said McEwan.

Kace O'Neill

Kace O'Neill

Kace O'Neill is a Graduate Journalist for HR Leader. Kace studied Media Communications and Maori studies at the University of Otago, he has a passion for sports and storytelling.