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Transform your company’s L&D with GenAI early adopters

By Dr Gleb Tsipursky | |6 minute read
Transform Your Company S L D With Gen Ai Early Adopters

To stay ahead in the evolving GenAI landscape, it’s vital to track learning progress, identify skills gaps, and continuously refine your training programs based on data and feedback, writes Dr Gleb Tsipursky.

As the interest in the potential of generative AI (GenAI) in learning and development (L&D) grows among business leaders, it’s becoming increasingly clear that employees are already experimenting with these technologies – often without formal approval. A late 2023 Salesforce survey of 14,000 workers revealed that 28 per cent were using GenAI at work, with over half doing so independently of any official directive. McKinsey’s 2023 findings echo this trend, and it’s safe to assume the numbers are now even higher.

Rather than enforcing a top-down mandate, savvy organisations can gain a competitive edge by identifying and leveraging these early GenAI adopters within their workforce. These pioneers are already demonstrating the transformative impact of GenAI. For instance, a Harvard Business School and Boston Consulting Group study found that consultants using GenAI completed tasks 22 per cent faster and with 40 per cent greater quality than those who didn’t have access to the technology. The question now is how to replicate these benefits across your organisation.


Uncovering the hidden GenAI trailblazers

Start by conducting an internal survey to map out who within your company is already using GenAI and in what ways. Focus on understanding the types of AI tools employees are engaging with, the frequency of use, and how these tools are being applied to their work. Are they using AI for tasks like data analysis, content generation, or automating repetitive processes? This exploration will reveal the existing GenAI landscape in your company.

It’s crucial to reassure your employees that it’s OK to be using GenAI, even if there isn’t a formal policy in place yet. Make it clear that your goal is to learn from their experiences, not to penalise them. Offering incentives – like recognition, bonuses, or professional development opportunities – can further encourage honest participation and help you gather more comprehensive insights.

Once you’ve analysed the survey results, identify the employees who are using GenAI effectively and creatively. These individuals are your internal pioneers, possessing valuable insights into the practical application of these tools and the potential challenges they present.

Building best practices from GenAI pioneers

To truly capitalise on the expertise of these early adopters, create a collaborative taskforce that includes your identified pioneers, L&D professionals, and IT specialists. This group should focus on developing tailored best practices for integrating GenAI into your company’s workflow.

Pilot these practices within a small, controlled group before a full-scale rollout. This phased approach allows you to gather feedback, make necessary adjustments, and ensure that the final practices are both practical and effective.

Document the refined best practices in a clear and accessible format. Use a mix of comprehensive guides, FAQs, and video tutorials to cater to different learning preferences, and make these resources available on your company’s intranet or L&D platform.

Integrating GenAI expertise into organisational learning

To ensure the entire organisation benefits from the insights of your GenAI pioneers, embed their knowledge into your broader learning and development programs. Start by integrating GenAI modules into existing training courses, covering everything from the basics of AI to the specific best practices developed by your taskforce.

Encourage a culture of continuous learning to keep pace with the rapid advancements in AI. Regularly update your training materials and provide opportunities for employees to attend relevant conferences, webinars, and other educational events.

Promote peer learning by facilitating internal forums, lunch-and-learn sessions, and mentoring programs where employees can share their GenAI experiences and tips. Recognise and reward those who actively contribute to this knowledge-sharing culture.

Success stories of GenAI integration in L&D

Consider the success of one of my clients who I helped overcome the challenges of GenAI adoption, a mid-size tech company that paired early GenAI adopters with colleagues as peer mentors. By covering topics like coding, content creation, and prompting, they fostered a collaborative environment that boosted employee confidence, productivity, and innovation.

Similarly, another client, a regional insurance company, saw great success by hosting regular workshops on GenAI, tailored to their industry. These sessions provided hands-on experience with AI tools, leading to improved efficiency and sparking new ideas for customer service enhancements and operational streamlining.

A third client example, a regional financial services company, took a different approach, offering microlearning courses in GenAI. By breaking down complex topics into short, focused lessons, they allowed employees to learn at their own pace, resulting in higher engagement and productivity.

Another client, a large professional services firm, introduced gamified GenAI training, incorporating elements like points, leaderboards, and badges. This approach significantly boosted engagement and skill retention, as the competitive and collaborative aspects motivated employees to excel.


To stay ahead in the evolving GenAI landscape, it’s vital to track learning progress, identify skills gaps, and continuously refine your training programs based on data and feedback. Encourage a growth mindset and integrate learning into daily routines, ensuring alignment with organisational goals. By leveraging the untapped potential within your workforce and fostering a culture of innovation, your company will be well positioned to lead in this new era of AI-driven L&D. The time to act is now – don’t let this opportunity pass you by.

Dr Gleb Tsipursky is an author, consultant, and chief executive of Disaster Avoidance Experts.