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Emerging from lockdown

By Robyn Tongol | |4 minute read
Emerging From Lockdown

Like many sectors, the legal profession had to adapt to meet the demands of the COVID-19 lockdowns. Now is a good time to ask: what positive changes should be kept in the long term, and what problems might need to be solved due to new ways of working?


Guest host for The Lawyers Weekly Show, Shandel McAuliffe, asked Michael Byrnes (partner at Swaab) and Carly Stebbing (founder and principal at Resolution123) their thoughts on the future of the profession, the challenges and ideas for overcoming them.

The discussion included how to ensure junior solicitors can learn from senior practitioners when working from home. Mr Byrnes also raised that the experience of working from home sometimes varied widely between juniors in more cramped home-working conditions and seniors with the privilege of a comfortable home office. Resolution123, as Ms Stebbing described it, is an “online virtual firm”. From this standpoint, Ms Stebbing shared tips for the profession on how her firm has made remote working a success.

 This podcast was originally featured in Lawyers Weekly