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Tech employer with 70 per cent autistic workforce aiming to inspire others

By Jack Campbell | |6 minute read
Tech Employer With 70 Per Cent Autistic Workforce Aiming To Inspire Others

Auticon is an information technology (IT) consultancy that has majority autistic staff. It recently released its annual impact report which details some achievements in the 11 years they have been operating.

CEO of auticon Australia, Bodo Mann, said: “In the tightest employment market ever seen in Australia, we provide clients with an often overlooked source of talent and prepare their organisations to become a destination for neurodiverse talent.”

Auticon’s hiring policy is a great step towards inclusion, with auticon referencing data by Amaze that reveals that 34.1 per cent of autistic Australians are unemployed. According to Amaze, that’s three times higher than other disabilities and eight times more than those without a disability. Of those that are unemployed, Amaze says 53.9 per cent have never had a job.


James, an auticon IT consultant, says the help he’s had from the company has been “invaluable”.

“They really help you to not get overwhelmed with client requests and work with you around client engagement,” he said.

“Most jobs that I have had before they give you a week or two’s training then throw you out on the floor and expect you to get on with it. This can be daunting and stressful, not necessarily from a performance perspective but if you don’t understand some of the unwritten social cues with colleagues it can riddle your work with misunderstandings, leading to unintended consequences.”

Auticon’s focus on employee development has allowed them to thrive, with job coaches used to guide staff. Their methods are clearly working as auticon reports that 92 per cent of staff feel supported, 91 per cent feel valued, and 87 per cent say their quality of life has improved since joining the company.

As of 2021, auticon employs 350 people, and 70 per cent are autistic. With 22 offices in eight countries, their message has been spread all over the world. Other organisations may wish to implement similar hiring policies following auticon’s success.

As Kath Greenhough shared with The HR Leader, “Despite many employers realising valuable skills lie with workers belonging to marginalised groups, such as those with physical disabilities and women, one diverse community is persistently missing from active employment strategies: neurodiverse candidates with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs).”

A Skillsoft survey confirmed that while a large majority (88 per cent) of respondents said that their organisation has a [diversity, equity and inclusion] policy in place, less than half believed it includes people with IDDs.”

Auticon’s work in supporting autism in the workplace was recognised when it won the ACS Digital Disruptor Award in 2021.

Read the company's full impact report here.

Jack Campbell

Jack Campbell

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.