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Sharp and Carter: focusing on wellbeing and ethical recruitment

By Robyn Tongol | |5 minute read
Sharp And Carter Focusing On Wellbeing And Ethical Recruitment

Niall O’Rourke, partner at Sharp and Carter, spoke with The HR Leader about what the recruitment firm does to keep wellbeing front and centre.


Sharp and Carter’s website calls out their ‘culture of uncommon care’. Mr O’Rourke described how this is reflected in the business, including assigning a founding member of their firm to look after the wellbeing of employees.

Mr O’Rourke shared with The HR Leader why the firm rewards all of their employees, understanding that every role contributes to the commercial success of the business. 

He also spoke about what being an ‘ethical recruiter’ entails, relating that if you wouldn’t place your family member in a position, why place a candidate in that role? As Mr O’Rourke summed up, they treat both clients and candidates as customers – a candidate sees first hand the level of detail they go into to make a placement, which helps inform them as a client what the process looks like client-side.



The practice of actively seeking, locating, and employing people for a certain position or career in a corporation is known as recruitment.