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Jack Campbell

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 1204

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.

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What is in store for us in the future of work?

Turbulent times are ahead for the future of work. The economy, technological change, climate change, and conflict are al...Read More

Regrettable loss: Minimising voluntary turnover among your top perform...

According to data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1.3 million people have changed jobs in the 12 months to Feb...Read More

Hybrid working a winner for majority of workers

Hybrid working has become the new norm following the pandemic. Now, employees have become accustomed to this new way of ...Read More

Why are so many workers not thriving?

New research has revealed a shocking number of employees are not thriving in their roles. The consequences of leaving th...Read More

Hit the ground running: Boosting engagement in the new year

After the holidays, it’s normal to experience a slump in productivity from employees. Effective leaders will get aroun...Read More

3 effective ways to improve employee engagement

The statistics around poor employee engagement within our workplaces have been raised by many industry commentators as a...Read More

The year the accountant shortage got worse

“I want to make accounting sexy again,” declared Sarah Lawrance, founder of boutique accounting firm Hot Toast, duri...Read More

You may have to offer competitive salaries to secure top talent

While talent shortages aren’t as severe as last year, many employers are still scrambling to secure skilled workers, s...Read More

What every HR team needs to know in 2024

2024 is here, and many people leaders are beginning the transition back to work. For those looking to plan for the year ...Read More