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Jack Campbell

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 1204

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.

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Lack of support from managers leaving employees unhappy

Aussie workers are being left stranded due to a lack of support from management. This is reportedly leaving many dissati...Read More

Removing flexible working arrangements could be a ‘foolhardy’ move

Employees have come to grow and love remote and hybrid working through the pandemic. As employers continue to ramp up th...Read More

Contractors isn’t a dirty word: Demystifying the role and value of c...

In Australia’s dynamic business landscape, agility is crucial. Growing economic uncertainty and the rapidly changing l...Read More

Research reveals better school marks make for higher salaries

The debate over whether your marks at school mean anything in the working world may have received an answer, as research...Read More

Is co-working a suitable option for your business?

Co-working office spaces have become increasingly common in recent years, with many businesses seeing the benefits this ...Read More

Is the abysmal failure of Qantas a wake-up call for boards across the ...

There’s no denying that Australia’s most trusted national carrier – Qantas – has been under a cloud of controver...Read More

6 hiring trends that could shape business in 2024

With a new year comes new trends, challenges, and opportunities. As we enter 2024, understanding the trends that are dri...Read More

3 cyber threats to protect against in 2024

The chief technology officer of a cyber security firm has flagged several factors in 2024 that business leaders will nee...Read More

Younger workers are lacking resilience: What can leaders do about it?

Workplace resilience is an employee’s ability to adapt and bounce back in the face of challenges, setbacks, and stress...Read More