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Jack Campbell

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 1204

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.

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Diversity a major consideration for employees

Diversity has been discussed as a major advantage to running an efficient business. The perceptions of employees may pla...Read More

Linking ‘feedback’ and ‘feedforward’ to create a holistic lead...

The latest leadership trend is “feedforward”. Much like its namesake, feedforward is the opposite of feedback – wh...Read More

Was the candidate really overqualified? Let’s stop the nonsense, sha...

Alongside the sales rejection “we can’t afford it”, the hiring rejection “you are overqualified” is mostly a u...Read More

Financial stress and caregiving responsibilities significantly impacti...

Aussies are being hit hard by economic troubles and financial difficulties. This is reportedly taking its toll on our me...Read More

‘Bleisure’ on the rise

Business-leisure travel, or “bleisure”, saw a sharp increase in 2023. With flexible working arrangements becoming mo...Read More

Australia’s highest-ever wage growth a good sign for candidates

Great news for candidates, as the wage growth in Australia for the September quarter was the highest in recorded history...Read More

Workforce segregation impacting gender pay gap

Australia’s gender pay gap is currently sitting at 22.8 per cent, meaning for each dollar men make, women earn 77¢. W...Read More

Why ‘co-worker quality’ should be on every employer’s radar

Enjoying work can make all the difference for an employee. Co-workers play an important role in this, which is why “co...Read More

‘Embracing a global mindset’ may be necessary for the future of wo...

Both employers and employees are seeing the benefits of a global job hunt as opportunities domestically become harder to...Read More