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Jack Campbell

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 1204

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.

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Work experience more beneficial than a degree, say graduates

The importance that has been placed on qualifications in recent years is undeniable. However, graduates are reporting wo...Read More

Annual wage growth surges to 14-year high of 4%

A 4 per cent surge in wages for the year to September – the fastest rate for 14 years – and a record 1.3 per cent sp...Read More

Intergenerational working and the benefits it can bring to businesses

For the first time, there are four generations working alongside each other. Rather than viewing this diversity as a hin...Read More

Tackling addiction and mental health: A holistic approach for business...

In today’s rapidly moving business world, it’s crucial for business leaders to prioritise their employees’ mental ...Read More

Staying safe at this year’s staff Christmas party (while still havin...

The silly season is just around the corner, and workplaces will surely begin organising Christmas parties. This is a gre...Read More

Find your workplace happiness with these 6 steps

Discovering workplace happiness can be difficult. Anything you’re paid to do generally isn’t enjoyable. However, the...Read More

SMEs performing well despite added pressures

While the cost of living, interest rates, and inflation are all of concern for business owners, research has revealed th...Read More

Why job mobility could be the key to the productivity slowdown

Productivity across Australia has taken a big hit in the past few years. Job switching may be an effective way to help d...Read More

What the HR revolution will look like for your business

Part one of this article put forward the case for change in our industry: a reorientation and renaming of what we call �...Read More