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Jack Campbell

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 1204

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.

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Psychosocial risks: The latest detriment to wellbeing

Psychosocial risks are damaging to a workplace. If not corrected, these hazards can impact the safety and wellbeing of e...Read More

Older workers are being pushed out of the workforce

Ageism is a recurring issue in the workplace. Whether discriminating against older or younger workers, ageism can leave ...Read More

The burden of being a healthcare worker

Frontline workers were the backbone of the workforce throughout the height of the pandemic. Healthcare workers, especial...Read More

Female employees bearing brunt of financial pressures

The cost-of-living crisis is impacting Australian workers, with females seemingly faring the worst, new research has fou...Read More

How lack of ‘washroom dignity’ is leaving workers with anxiety

Research has found that workplaces that lack adequate bathroom facilities are leaving employees stressed and anxious. ...Read More

82% of Aussies feel pressure to work outside hours

The rise in technology means we are reachable at all times. Furthermore, the pandemic has resulted in a work-from-home b...Read More

What’s driving hiring?

Sourcing workers is still an issue for plenty of industries. Businesses can help ease these problems by keeping up with ...Read More

Lack of training costing the economy billions

Workplace training has plenty of benefits for both the individual and the organisation. What may not be as obvious thoug...Read More

CEO’s tips for reducing burnout through self-care and flexibility

Employees can suffer from burnout for a variety of reasons. Usually, the reason has to do with work, which is why it’s...Read More