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Jack Campbell

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 1204

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.

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How social media is changing the world of hiring

In an ever-evolving world of work, social media has become a key player for candidates looking for jobs. Read More

Using mentorship to boost business performance

Mentorship should be considered by all professionals. It’s a great way for the mentee to gather critical skills and ad...Read More

How to win young talent

Securing young talent is a great way to ease skills shortages while providing organisations with enthusiastic and engage...Read More

Is it time to rethink how you track candidates?

Investing in the right tech can give you an edge over the competition and help organisations to stand out amid a tight t...Read More

New strategy to help tackle gender equality in the workplace

A recent survey was conducted by the Diversity Council Australia (DCA) to gauge employees’ views on gender equality in...Read More

News round-up: Job losses, overworking, pay rises and passwords

In this week’s round-up of HR news, the next few years are expected to see millions of jobs lost. Meanwhile, court act...Read More

Why Gen Z should be a recruitment priority

Gen Z workers are the future. With many of the younger generation entering the workforce, employers have the opportunity...Read More

Study finds educators prioritising development over salary

Career development is becoming one of the most sought-after benefits, overtaking salary for many. According to one study...Read More

Women in STEM: Why is there prejudice?

As recently discussed by HR Leader, women have to deal with challenges in the science, technology, engineering and math...Read More