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Jack Campbell

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 1204

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.

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Industries dealing with substance usage: How can employers support sta...

Substance use, such as alcohol and other drugs (AOD), is prevalent in many industries. However, some are affected more...Read More

Why legal reform could be the key to gender equality

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency’s (WGEA) 2021–2022 biennial report has detailed that Australia’s gender equal...Read More

How the workforce has changed over the last 25 years

The workforce has seen dramatic changes over the years as a result of society evolving and new challenges emerging. ...Read More

Younger managers more likely to utilise global talent

In the current workforce, where talent shortages are becoming increasingly common, managers may need to think outside th...Read More

Collaboration to boost leadership rates of disadvantaged women

A new program has been announced that aims to boost the participation of culturally and racially marginalised (CARM) and...Read More

How employers can greater support family and domestic violence victims

Showing solidarity with employees that are struggling with family or domestic violence is a great way to support them th...Read More

Why there needs to be more education around family and domestic violen...

Family and domestic violence can often be considered a taboo topic that many don’t want to acknowledge. Read More

How to harness the power of feedback

The vast majority of workers aren’t getting enough feedback, new research has found. Read More

Round-up of HR news: Motherhood, discrimination, and mental health

In this week’s round-up of HR news, women are once again experiencing less benefits. Also, Asian discrimination report...Read More