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Jack Campbell

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 1204

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.

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Engage your people beyond purpose to help execute your strategy

Purpose consistently ranks in the top three factors of meaningful work. In the research conducted by Beaumont People, it...Read More

Company pleads guilty to hundreds of child employment law breaches

A delivery company has been hit with a shocking 318 breaches of child employment law, making this case the largest of it...Read More

Redundancies and DEI: Removing performance management bias

Redundancies are tough and can leave both individuals and companies struggling. However, care should be taken not to imp...Read More

Migrant workers could help plug the tradie skills gap

Tradies are an integral part of the Australian workforce. Despite this, there is a clear shortage of these skilled worke...Read More

Fewer people reliant on income support despite cost-of-living pressure...

The rising cost of living has become a major discussion point in recent years. Despite the economic turmoil we’re expe...Read More

Will I stay or will I go? Jobs being created and pushed out by advanci...

The business landscape is undergoing radical change at the moment. The advancement of technology is forcing many to reth...Read More

There are still talent shortages, so don’t get caught lacking

In 2023, talent and skills shortages dominated headlines. Similar to what happened with the pandemic, just because it’...Read More

Tips for eliminating unnecessary meetings

Meetings can go one of two ways. Either they’re productive or a complete waste of time. Becoming pickier with meetings...Read More

Why businesses need to stay on top of their employer brand

Do you really know how healthy your brand is in the eyes of your staff? And do you know how to find out? Read More