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Jack Campbell

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 1204

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.

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Let’s stop blaming Gen Z for the changing nature of work: Maybe they...

The suggestion Gen Z is too entitled or lazy to bother coming into the office is bunkum. Instead of blaming the young fo...Read More

Addressing employee underperformance the right way

Addressing underperformance is a tough yet essential part of business. Here are some tips for getting it right. Read More

The fight to increase women’s participation in construction

Construction has always been a male-dominated industry. Social norms and engrained biases have caused this. However, now...Read More

5 tips for keeping cyber security maintained

Cyber security is becoming more and more of a priority for businesses in the modern workforce. Maintaining protection is...Read More

Get prepared for the next round of gender pay gap reporting

Businesses recently had gender pay gaps published. With this initiative being the first of its kind in Australia, there ...Read More

Coalition would turn back right to disconnect, voters disagree

The government’s ”right to disconnect” legislation has been met with mixed feelings. According to the polls, most ...Read More

Confidence can pull teams through challenging times

Confidence can be a powerful characteristic in the workplace. Harnessing confidence and building upon it within work tea...Read More

Where the gender pay gap reporting falls short (and how to avoid issue...

While the introduction of gender pay gap reporting is a great step towards transparency and accountability within organi...Read More

Building company culture is a ‘balancing act’

Culture can be what defines a positive work environment. However, with so many conflicting elements at play, it can be h...Read More