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Jack Campbell

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 1204

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.

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Backing ourselves: How a confidence injection from HR can boost female...

Helping women realise their true worth in the workplace is an essential and very rewarding task. Read More

Don’t risk it: Keep up with changes to workplace laws

Upcoming changes to workplace legislation should be on every employer’s radar. To avoid landing in trouble, keeping up...Read More

Handling addiction in the workplace can be a tricky task

Addiction, no matter what form it comes in, can be a damaging affair. With the average person spending a third of their ...Read More

How changing employee check-in processes can power productivity

With attention increasingly focused on the value that new technologies can deliver to business, it can be easy to forget...Read More

Small business suffers largest decline since pandemic

A slowdown in sales and wages growth saw softer performance in the December quarter, according to the latest Xero Small ...Read More

How to master difficult conversations

The HR department is dependent on difficult conversations. It’s a job that nobody wants to do but is essential to runn...Read More

The evolving landscape of flexible work

In a rapidly changing work environment, how are forward-looking companies adapting to the newly flexible workplace? This...Read More

‘Right to disconnect’: Positive, negative, or neither?

The upcoming “right to disconnect” laws that will give employees a legal standing to not answer work-related communi...Read More

AI implementation on the rise, yet many are still sceptical

Artificial intelligence (AI) is quickly shaping the future of work, and an increasing number of organisations are integr...Read More