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Jack Campbell

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 1204

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.

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What you need to know about gender pay gap reporting

Today (27 February) is the launch of the Workplace Gender Equality Agency’s (WGEA) gender pay gap reporting. Let’s g...Read More

The most in-demand skills revealed

Want to stay ahead of the competition and remain a valuable asset to an organisation? Understanding what skills are the ...Read More

Leading with confidence: Finance tips for female business leaders in 2...

As we look out towards the year, it’s important to carve out some time for introspection and forward planning. While p...Read More

Big troubles for small businesses: What effect would this have on our ...

Small businesses are the lifeblood of the economy. This means the latest reports showing that they aren’t hiring is a ...Read More

Workplace manslaughter charge a first for Victoria

A stonemasonry company has become the first to be hit with manslaughter charges under Victoria’s workplace laws. ...Read More

Teach your team to outgrow you – you’ll thank yourself later

Here’s why fostering the next generation of leaders is a smart business move. Read More

The impact of ergonomics on productivity: Designing an office for empl...

For an HR professional, the wellbeing of employees is one of the top priorities. Healthy and content employees are more ...Read More

Save money on business travel with these 7 tips

Business travel, for many industries, is a necessary yet expensive ordeal. Learning to be more economical with bookings ...Read More

Working from home rights could become cemented in law

Discussions around working from home (WFH) among government representatives could see this perk become a right for many ...Read More