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Jack Campbell

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 1204

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.

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Be more effective in DEI policy by getting boards involved

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies can often be left to the HR and people teams. However, companies should ...Read More

Work addiction: Hustle culture gone too far

Work addiction can be an often-overlooked issue as many are entranced by ‘hustle culture’. Read More

Men facing discrimination for taking advantage of flexible working

Recent research has shown there’s a disconnect with expectations in flexible working, with men being treated unfairly ...Read More

The top trends influencing women at work right now

Women face unique challenges in the workplace that influence their careers. Employers can do their part to mitigate thes...Read More

Farm hit with legal action after underpaying migrant workers

A celery farm in Victoria has landed itself in trouble after reportedly underpaying migrant workers, highlighting how vu...Read More

Mining strike to continue after negotiations break down

A recent mining strike will continue after leadership and employees failed to reach an agreement. Read More

20% of Aussies believe AI could lead to our extinction

New research has revealed that Aussies remain sceptical of AI. With more and more companies introducing these systems, e...Read More

This week in HR news: Energy levels, scams and AI

In this week’s roundup of HR news, how can energy levels be maximised? One method involves adjusting meeting schedules...Read More

How will Victoria’s sick pay expansion affect the workforce?

The expansion of the Victorian Sick Pay Guarantee introduces even more protections to casual workers across the state. W...Read More