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Jack Campbell

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 1204

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.

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Workplace complaints are up 30% – what’s causing this?

Experts have witnessed a sharp increase in workplace complaints. These issues can negatively affect business performance...Read More

Women aren’t feeling confident in their roles – how can leaders ch...

Women are struggling to stay confident at work. While this may seem like a personal issue, leaders play a significant ro...Read More

UN says AI more likely to assist workers than take jobs

A recent report from the United Nations (UN) suggests that fears of an AI takeover are unwarranted and that AI will in f...Read More

Half of candidates are backing out of job offers – how can employers...

New research has revealed that 50 per cent of candidates backed out of a job offer after accepting it over the past year...Read More

Over half of Aussie teachers believe AI understanding will be crucial ...

Whether for or against the use of AI in the workplace, there’s no denying implementation is on the rise. This has teac...Read More

Report finds 20% of workers not competent

A recent report has revealed that 20 per cent of Aussies aren’t fully proficient in their job. While this may seem lik...Read More

New legislation to protect migrant workers from exploitation

Migrant workers can often become victims of exploitation due to a lack of protections, and in many cases, cultural and l...Read More

Equal Pay Day: How can employers make a difference?

Today is Equal Pay Day, a day that marks how many days from the end of the financial year it would take for women to ear...Read More

Male allies: The support needed in the fight for gender equity

The fight for gender equity in the workplace has been making progress for the last 50 years through the introduction of ...Read More