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Jack Campbell

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 1204

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.

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HR news round-up: Cyber attacks, VR training and the best workplaces

In this week’s round-up of HR news, data breaches that have rocked many high-profile Aussie businesses have appeared t...Read More

Vulnerable leadership: The best leadership

To show vulnerability is to be human; however, leaders often forget this. Sometimes overconfidence in a leader can cause...Read More

It’s time to update your workforce’s tech skills

Tech is the future of work, yet many people lack the necessary skills to take advantage of this. Read More

Why rewards, benefits and recognition are crucial in the current workp...

The post-COVID-19 era of work has paved way for increased focus on wellbeing and flexibility. This, compounded with how ...Read More

Snapshot of the current state of the workforce

Recent data has emerged that paints a picture of the current state of the workforce in Australia. There are a variety of...Read More

How can we prepare our workforce for a future in tech?

Tech will shape the future of work. But with so many roles emerging and not enough people to fill them, how can we prepa...Read More

Focus on company culture to improve efficiency

Company culture may not spring to mind for a leader as the most important consideration when things like productivity, p...Read More

Strengthen your workforce through the power of resilience

The workforce has been through some stressful times over the last few years. The pandemic was a major hurdle that caught...Read More

5 trends that are keeping employees engaged at work

Employees are after more than just pay to keep them fulfilled at work. Companies need to think outside the box when it c...Read More