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Jack Campbell

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 1204

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.

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‘The drivers of discrimination are fear and ignorance’

Cultural diversity is important inside and outside the workplace. A diverse group of people bring different opinions, ex...Read More

AI could help shape a ‘prosperous future for our nation’

Generative AI (GAI), such as ChatGPT, could contribute billions of dollars to the Australian economy if utilised correct...Read More

Why shift workers need more support

Shift workers are an integral part of the Aussie economy. They make up 1.4 million, or 16 per cent of the entire workfor...Read More

Lazy girl jobs: Why this trend has a deeper meaning

Workplace trends are constantly emerging, each bringing its own sentiments on workplace attitudes. The latest is the #la...Read More

Things to consider before implementing AI systems

The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace has brought with it many exciting opportunities and chall...Read More

Alarm bells raised over future back-to-office mandates

Commonwealth Bank has received employee backlash following its insistence for them to return to the office. This sparks ...Read More

8 benefits of using social media to hire – and how to get it right

It’s no secret that social media is huge, but did you know that 60 per cent of the world uses it? That’s 4.8 billion...Read More

This week in HR news: Charges laid

In this week’s round-up of HR news, two companies and an individual have been hit with charges over poor processes. ...Read More

Why is HR not taking advantage of AI?

Recent research has revealed that HR leaders aren’t utilising generative AI, despite many saying it will shape the fut...Read More