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Jack Campbell

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 1204

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.

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Internal v external recruiters: Who’s better placed to help you hire...

The argument of whether internal or external recruiters are better at hiring staff that fit the mould of what employers ...Read More

How upskilling can set young workers up for success

Research has revealed that young Australians are being hit hard by economic instability, resulting in job loss and a lac...Read More

Empower employees by connecting with them

Showing employees you care about them personally is a great way to boost engagement and build loyalty. Read More

Tips for conducting an effective gender pay gap audit

With the introduction of legislation requiring companies to disclose gender pay gaps coming into effect in 2024, leaders...Read More

Getting staff through economic hardship begins with better leadership

As interest rates rise and inflation creates added stress on employees, looking after worker wellbeing may fall behind a...Read More

What’s trending in the workplace this week?

HR news this week has been full of workplace trends that are influencing workers for better or worse. Read More

Boost attraction and retention by connecting with staff

People want to feel valued at work. In fact, personal value is a key consideration for employees, and it can help to get...Read More

Businesses spending more on recruitment amid talent war

New data has revealed that companies have spent significantly more money on recruitment this year in response to talent ...Read More

Interest rate pause welcomed, but still a ‘small comfort’

The Reserve Bank of Australia’s (RBA) decision to pause interest rate rises is welcome news; however, some are critica...Read More