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Jack Campbell

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 1204

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.

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HR news round-up: Skills gaps, young entrepreneurs, and office wars

In this week’s round-up of HR news, the government has established institutes to help plug the skills gap. Meanwhile, ...Read More

How tech led workplaces through COVID-19

Businesses need tech in this day and age to keep them relevant in the workforce. Without some of this tech, workplaces m...Read More

Is the recruitment agency here for the long haul? ‘You bet’

There seems to be some contention about whether recruitment agencies are here to last. When we asked Elizabeth Kingston ...Read More

The ‘perkcession’ and why you should be avoiding it

A recent study has revealed that employers are beginning to cut perks and benefits due to trouble with the economy. Howe...Read More

Diversity of thought: Why it’s important and how to manage it

Diversity in the workforce is important. Different people from different backgrounds allow for diversity of thought, whi...Read More

Measuring mental health in the workplace

Supporting employees’ mental health can be difficult as each person has different expectations, needs, and goals. Howe...Read More

Greater focus on security training needed

Research shows that 74 per cent of all data breaches include the “human element”, meaning a person plays a role in t...Read More

How to tech upskill in your business

With automation set to shake up the workforce as we know it, there is a vital opportunity for you to educate staff on th...Read More

Heavy lies the crown: Positives and negatives of being the boss

Leading an organisation can be daunting. For some, leadership comes naturally, and for others, it simply isn’t for the...Read More