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Jack Campbell

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 1204

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.

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Creating an inclusive workplace for women starts with managers

Putting in the time and effort to create a welcoming and inclusive environment can assist in the attraction and retentio...Read More

Recruitment activity becoming more ‘calculated’

Companies are no longer desperate to fill bums on seats, with leaders being a lot more calculated in their hiring decisi...Read More

How to get temp hiring right

Hiring temp or contract workers can be a great way to quickly fill positions with skilled workers. Read More

The gender pay gap is reversing: So what’s being done?

According to experts, the gender pay gap is stagnating and, in some cases, even going backwards. Read More

How younger workers are changing the workforce

Younger workers are beginning to take over the workforce, and as they do so, common work dynamics are shifting. Read More

Unlock the power of meaningful work

Finding meaning in work can be beneficial to job satisfaction, wellbeing, and engagement. However, it is not a blanket a...Read More

Government must adopt stronger role in curbing inflation, says economi...

The government must look for ways to lower inflation with the burden of rapidly rising interest rates having an unequal ...Read More

Top HR FAQs answered

A recent study unveiled the top HR FAQs for June, highlighting the trouble organisations are running into at the beginni...Read More

How to get the pay rise you’re after

As we enter the new financial year, some may be taking this time to ask for an increase in wages. Read More