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Jack Campbell

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 1204

Jack is the editor at HR Leader.

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Crackdown on investment scams to protect Aussies

Australians will be granted extra protections against investment scams, with the government establishing a new anti-scam...Read More

What employees want

Uncertainty is fuelling employee priorities, and according to Benefex, benefits, employee experience, and wellbeing are ...Read More

How L&D can ease businesses into the new world of work

The evolution of the workforce in recent years has placed added pressure on businesses. In today’s economic climate, t...Read More

Why building cohesive work teams is crucial

Building work teams that get along and work together effectively is crucial. Getting this right can boost productivity a...Read More

Younger workers at risk of getting ‘stressick’

Experts have revealed that younger workers are currently more susceptible to stress, creating serious health issues. ...Read More

How a 4-day working week can boost productivity

Talks of implementing a four-day working week have been circulating for some time now. With trials labelled a success fo...Read More

Job mobility at its highest in over 10 years

New data has shown that workers are becoming increasingly mobile in their careers. What’s driving this? Read More

Tackle adversity by investing in your teams

After the last few years, businesses are no strangers to difficult times. COVID-19, quiet quitting, the Great Resignatio...Read More

Employer confidence on the rise

Employers may finally be gaining some more confidence in the state of the talent market as new research shows that hirin...Read More