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Kace O'Neill

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 390

Kace O'Neill is a Graduate Journalist for HR Leader. Kace studied Media Communications and Maori studies at the University of Otago, he has a passion for sports and storytelling.

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The ‘shut up and get on with it’ mindset is no longer sustainable

Men, whether through their own expectations or societal normalcy, often bury their emotions. This is a common trait thro...Read More

How can Aussie businesses attract and retain their talent

Talent retention in the current labour market is a priority for all organisations across Australia. So, how do they ensu...Read More

University of Melbourne fined after adverse action

The University of Melbourne is being fined for taking adverse action against two casual academics. Read More

Australian cyber security is on the rise but still lags behind the glo...

Security culture is growing in Australia as organisations become more aware of the importance of having strategies that ...Read More

Employee activism: Where’s the middle ground?

The rise of social media has made disconnecting from real-world issues that much harder. This is especially so at work, ...Read More

Productivity continues to thrive when employees work from home

A recent report highlighted employers’ experiences with remote and flexible work, displaying the positive impacts on p...Read More

Why a business’s legacy can hinge on their climate change values

Employee activism is becoming more and more prominent throughout workplaces across Australia, and climate change is ofte...Read More

Having AI skills can boost your salary

The possibilities of artificial intelligence (AI) just seem to keep growing. New research shows that having AI skills in...Read More

Fear is a tool, and leaders are using it too much

Does your boss scare you? A new report has revealed that a number of leaders use fear as a pillar of their leadership st...Read More