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Kace O'Neill

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 409

Kace O'Neill is a Graduate Journalist for HR Leader. Kace studied Media Communications and Maori studies at the University of Otago, he has a passion for sports and storytelling.

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Capping about climate commitments: Do businesses really mean it?

Friction and distrust have been brewing between employees and organisations when it comes to the grandiose climate commi...Read More

Compulsory income management isn’t working

A study has revealed that compulsory income management (CIM) is doing more harm than good, proving to be ineffective in ...Read More

Trauma support should be a non-negotiable in the workplace

Dealing with the consequences of trauma can be a complex task for everyone involved. Navigating these complexities requi...Read More

Could ESG be integrated into business policies?

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policies and procedures could become a foundation for future businesses due ...Read More

Do you trust your HR department?

Distrust between employees and their HR departments is growing, and people are seeking support outside the organisations...Read More

Workplaces need to get fire wise

Fires in the workplace are often disregarded as freak accidents that rarely occur. But when they do, the ramifications c...Read More

Weekly round-up: Insurance back pays, workplace deaths, and no jobs fo...

In this week’s round-up of HR news, an Australian insurance company has backpaid thousands of people, two men have pas...Read More

Child protection workers to strike today for change

Child protection workers are set to take industrial action on Parliament grounds today (11 April) at 11:30am, calling fo...Read More

Is shift work ruining your sleep pattern?

A new study has shown that shift work can have detrimental impacts on our sleep, health, and wellbeing. Read More