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Kace O'Neill

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 409

Kace O'Neill is a Graduate Journalist for HR Leader. Kace studied Media Communications and Maori studies at the University of Otago, he has a passion for sports and storytelling.

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Fear is a tool, and leaders are using it too much

Does your boss scare you? A new report has revealed that a number of leaders use fear as a pillar of their leadership st...Read More

Weekly round-up: Workplace kitchen nightmares, bridge collapse afterma...

In this week’s round-up of HR news: how workplace kitchen etiquette can affect business, the potential job loss afterm...Read More

Bullies earn more later in life: What will it take to turn this around...

A recent study has discovered a direct correlation between aggressive tendencies at a young age and prosperous economic ...Read More

Young grads have to be staunch when it comes to EVP

It can be confusing and stressful for young graduates going into their first full-time job. Ensuring that your values al...Read More

Small businesses are struggling to keep up with financial pressures

New research has highlighted a concerning trend around Australians working longer hours for reduced wages, with small bu...Read More

Unemployment: Are we actually measuring it correctly?

A recent study has compared and contrasted four different definitions of unemployment and mapped them against one anothe...Read More

DEI has moved from a ‘nice to have’ to a priority for Australian b...

DEI implementation has increased in workplaces as Australian businesses have now made it a priority, due to the positive...Read More

Would raising minimum wage really increase inflation?

It’s a commonly made argument that higher minimum wages will reinforce inflationary pressures in Australia’s economy...Read More

The benefits of hiring migrant and refugee workers

New approaches to the employment process are seeing an increase in connecting newly arrived skilled migrants and refugee...Read More